Christmas Missions Giving

Consider being a holiday blessing to 4 of our designated missionaries who are supported by Scranton Road Bible Church.   Envelopes marked “missions” will be supplied in December during Sunday worship service.

Additionally, you can donate online using PayPal via the button below.

This year we are supporting the following missionaries:

  1. Susanna Miller (Nicaragua)
  2. Erol & Seren Kara (Turkey)
  3. Pastor Rajib (Bangladesh)
  4. Tom Atwood (Hebrew Scriptures)

Available through PayPal, you may use online giving as an option for gifts to Scranton Road Bible Church. You can choose to make contributions one time or on a recurring schedule. If you have a PayPal account you may also choose to transfer money securely from your bank account.

Scranton Road Bible Church pays some fees for the convenience of having online transactions (2.2% + $.30 transaction fee for credit and debit cards).

We encourage you to take a no fee route whenever possible when you give by writing a check, setting up your own PayPal account to transfer funds securely online from your bank account, or making your contribution directly through your bank’s automated bill paying service (automated clearinghouse transaction commonly called ACH). There is typically no fee associated with this type of transaction.

No matter how you choose to give, thank you and God bless!   Phillipians 4:15-19