Long Term Missions
In an effort to prayerfully and effectively consider the Lord’s leading for support of full time missionaries both in the world and locally, Scranton Road Bible Church has formulated new guidelines and a mission statement that we hope will lead us to wisely distribute the moneys of His Kingdom for His glory and edification of His church. We desire to share these guidelines with you in order to establish a mutual understanding and foundation for consideration of future support as a full time missionary. We count it a privilege to be involved in your life and walk with the Lord and desire for us all to honor Him in all aspects. We would invite you to dialogue with us about the guidelines and more importantly, your life and desires or concerns and struggles as you serve the Lord. We count it an honor to walk with you in prayer and financially in these trying days. Thank you again for your relationship with our church family at Scranton Road Bible Church and we look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, SRBC Elders and Missions Committee